David Mok, M.D., has always had a passion for math and science. During his studies for a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Mok became interested in the production and effects of electrical signals in the body. Electrophysiology continued to interest him in medical school and in his training to become a cardiologist. Additionally, he enjoys mastering and applying new technology to improve the health of his patients. He believes technology and medicine complement each other in the treatment and management of arrhythmia, which is a malfunction of the heart’s electrical system.
Dr. Mok enjoys applying new technology to improve the health of his patients. He believes technology and medicine complement each other in the treatment and management of arrhythmia, which is a malfunction of the hearts electrical system.
Medical School
University of Maryland 1993
University of Maryland 1994
University of Maryland Medical Center 1996
LAC - USC Medical Center 1999
LAC - USC Medical Center Electrophysiology & Pacing 2000
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